British Evacuate Boston

18 March 1776  Boston:  After eight years of British occupation Boston is free, a victory for General Washington and the jubilant Patriots of Boston.

In just 8 months General Washington has turned the Continental troops into an army strong enough to force the British to evacuate Boston.  On March 4th and 5th 800 soldiers of the Continental Army and 1200 workers fortified Dorchester Heights  with 59 cannons Henry Knox delivered from Fort Ticonderoga.  To cover the sound of construction Patriot cannons bombarded the outskirts of Boston and thus Dorchester Heights was fortified before the British realized it.

Seeing their position indefensible, British General Howe, 11,000 British troops and 1,000 Loyalists departed Boston yesterday by ship.

Some are proposing the Continental Congress award a medal to the commander of the Continental Army.  Washington has plans of his own and will most likely move his troops to New York in the event the British try to enter the harbor there.

Boston Local

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